Sunday, February 16, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Weekend sets the Pace!

Hey guys so I bet you're wondering how my weekend went Right? It was filled I will tell you that. Okay yesterday at 13:30pm, my host dad and host kid Clara(3) came to pick me up in their car, well it's more of a minivan, but anyway they came to Laren to get me. So the car ride was 2 hours and with a 3 year old, it was to be expected. We stopped off at this playground/petting zoo/ everything else place for kids and she had a blast. I was thinking because of my last family that it was going to fill so awkward, it didnt., which is great as I really do like my new Host family. The dad who I believe names is Koort, thats dutch by the way he was extremely nice and laid back.

We get to the house and naturally the Fleur is shy again, but in a couple hours, she was nestled under my arm, so that was syaing something I suppose. She's a very active and well, she's the middle child enough said right? So after a bit of explaining things yesterday and showing me where everything is I went to bed...well I said goodnight to them at around 8:30pm, but I didnt go to sleep until about 12:00am. My Room, well they call it my apartment, because thats what it is, I have a video on the size of it, and Its just so much space I don’t know what to do with it.

So Tomorrow which is today Sunday, was more of a reality check if you will. The Au Pair bike that I have gets me depressed every single time I think about it. Its a true Granny bike, it has NO gears, and the break is to back pedal, I was sad. The Bakfiet thankfully has gears. The bakfiet is a bike with a front carriage part to carry children in, to get them around when they cannot bike themselves. Actually if we're being honest Clara whose 3 as I said can bike really well, she just doesnt understand that cars are dangerous and therefore it's niot safe to allow her to ride her bike somewhere. But letting her ride for fun is tiring, she goes faster then I thought she would and I was running in a coat just to keep pace with her.

Also today, I met a friend of the family who also chooses to Have Au Pairs into their home. I met an Au Pair named Marcy, and she's from Vermont, Her family as well only gets either Canadian Au Pairs, or American Au Paiirs. I did find out that my current family had a spanish Au pair who had been here in January, and she left the Saturday I came, which was yesterday, because her english was next to none. And now she found a family with the help of my current family who lives in Amsterdam who has to kids under the age of 2 and they speak fluent spanish and wish the Au Pair to speak spanish to them so thats perfect for her. Marcy' takes care of a little boy named Hugo, around 11 months, Christopher whose 3, and Alexandria whose 6. Because of the closeness of the kids we have a playdate every Thursday and I'm looking forward to that,

Tomorow is when the real fun begans I get to experience, the True Day in the life of an AU Pair, I will write about that tomorrow after it happens I suppose.

Back to today, Marcy took me on a bike ride to the City Centre, by the girls school, and everywhere else I can think of. It was so many sites, nothing truly sticks in my head and I wish it did. Tomorow I will be cooking dinner for the family, and I have no clue what to make, I would start the week off with something easy like Pasta, but seriously we had that Saturday and Sunday. Do we really want it monday? I will look and if all else fails, Potatoes, a meat and a veggie will do it. Also I get to go grocery shopping tomorow by bike with the bakfiet to get used to it as I will have Clara in it on Weds and Thurs and gotta be safe. And I FINALLY get food for myself as well, yes my fridge can get filled up and on Saturdays I can make my own food...maybe lol.

Alright, I think I'm don’e for the night, well for blogging, I don’t think I'll go to sleep yet, it's much to early. Time for me to surf the internet and get lost in the worldwide web. Not for the first time I got to thinking, before I got here, I thought a year isnt that long, now that I'm here, I'm like 11 months left. Im all up for postive experiences, so I will ask everything Im uncomfortable with!

Well until next time guys, :)


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