The Pros and Cons of Being an Au Pair

So, I realize that I have been neglecting this part of my blog, after all I am an Au Pair first and foremost right? When I researched being an Au Pair, everything said ample time to travel, worth it, once in a lifetime, new language and all that jazz. That seems to be the perks about this job I suppose, however they never said anything about the less then glamourous kinds of things. So I've compiled a small list of the lows of this jobs, and things you should consider should you ever wish to become an Au Pair. These are in no particular order.

Number 1- Living with your employer, you can never get away because you stay in the home. Any chance you come downstairs to recline and relax and stuff, that means your free and available to baysit all the time. You learn quickly to find something to 'do', it can get slightly awkward so sometimes you feel you have to leave to ease of bit of the awkwardness.

Number 2- Respect for Mothers out there everywhere, I feel I should I say that as I go into this next one. Today I dressed a child for the day, fed her breakfast, provided her with snacks when she was hungry, fed her lunch, wiped poopy butt, wiped a snotty nose, fed said child, gave her a bath, and then cooked her dinner and gave her dessert. I felt like a mother, but that's all in my days work. Sometimes my host kids don’t even see their parents some days, its just me. Its tiring at times too. One good thing out of this though, my love of children is stronger then ever, but that desire that I felt that I needed to have a kid at one point in my life is gone, I'll have then when I'm ready and not a moment soon.

Number 3- Lack of privacy, this might go hand in hand with number 1, but its the truth. My kids know not to come into my room without knocking, well they knock...and then immediately come in whether or not I said they could. Other au pairs have it worse, in hindsight its nice that they think of you as a confidant and someone to trust but it does get a tad annoying when you're sleeping good and they're waking you up.

Number 4- The money, I make 5 euros an hour if you do it that way, I can work no more then 30 hours a week, with some additional babysitting in there. Its fine, I've worked longer trust me, however the pay is severely lacking. We get paid between 300-340 euros a month. That is $460 USD, $500 CAD, $489 AUD, and $273 GBP once converted. As you can see it's not a lot to live off of. I know room and board is free(well not free but paid for by the work you do) Food is included but its expensive traveling across Europe. I've been nowhere because I'm short on funds. My friends all have another account out there, I don’t. So i'm struggling just to go places and and do things.

Number 5- Treated llike the help. This hasnt happen to me, thankfully but again I know girls who are being treated like this and I feel for them. You're supposed to be treated like a member of the family and instead you're treated like an employee or worst. Sometimes even the children can try to treat you like this, my host kids have tried but I'll be damn if I let a 7 or a 9 year old walk all over me. Not happening, not even going to go there.

Number 6- Lack of respect. Au Pairing opens you up to a whole new culture and differences that come with it. When I first arrived here I was appalled at the kind of hold Dutch children have over their parents. There's not really discipline here, and it shows you know? My 7 year old host kid throws more tantrums then my 4 year old, and thats accepted. We're not going to open that whole can of worms as to why. I don’t tolerate tantrums however, if you yell in my face expect to get yelled back in return or better yet nose to the corner.

Number 7- Remember to Mentally prepare yourself for the culture you're coming into. I didn’t research dutch people, I only watched videos on them biking. But I didn’t fully comprehend what that might entitle me to do. I was severely out of shape when I started still am at times but I know longer feel like I'm gonna die when I get off my gearless bike. Research, research research! That is all I can say!

If I did I wouldn't have been surprised when I came here and tasted the food. My taste buds are screaming for some type of taste, besides Salt and Paprika when one cooks. Another thing, if you cannot live without bread this is the place to be, Dutch people consume at least 6 slices of bread per day...per person. I hate bread so much, when I go home. I wont be touching the stuff. I cannot do it. Its gotten to the point that I'll eat oatmeal/porridge for lunch rather then have a sandwich...enough said lol.

Alright let's move from that depression up above and move onto the highs of being an Au Pair.

Number 1- The children, honestly if you have that love of children it only grows the longer you're here despite how evil and conniving they can be. A kiss from them means alot, even if you're just one of many girls passing through. You'll never forget them, they may forget you, your face, your name but they won't ever forget how special you made them feel how they mattered to you. That is something to think about, you can also see the impact that you have on their lives, especially if somedays you feel inadequate to do it, they think differently.

Number 2- Traveling, I'm in the heart of Europe, when I learn to budget accordingly I will start traveling and that will be in July, which is coming up this next month. I have plans to visit London for 5 days skip over to Ireland possibly and maybe Paris for a weekend after that. In September...guess whose going to Germany for Octoberfest??? Me!! August isnt out either, I plan to visit Rome, and Athens as well. Need to remember to grab a flag from every country i visit, it's important..I'm going back to Belgium as well, ooh Berlin...and you can see i have places to be. 

Number 3- Experience of a lifetime, how many people do you know who can say they've spent a year abroad raise your hand. How many do you know who has been an Au pair? Once you been an Au Pair, you meet so many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, from every corner of the earth. You wouldnt have met them otherwise if you hadn't of chosen to do this experience. No regrets, live it and love it.

Number 4...I'll continue, because I'm only 5 months in, so I have no clue what else just yet lol.


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