SO this past
weekend was the holiday weekend. Happy Easter everyone! I know I'm
like a week late, but they really celebrate Easter here. Friday and Monday
the kid's had off, but I only worked Friday because Monday both the
parents were off and they wanted to spend it with the kids. So
getting ahead of myself, I will start with Friday.
So on Friday
I woke up at 7am and headed downstairs at 7:30am to begin work. The
dad had to work, the mom is off on Fridays but they had a funeral to
attend and a luncheon, so I was watching the girls. Wies went to
tennis practice around 9 and would be picked up by a friend so she
was gone for the day. I only had Floor and Clara with me. So we
waited for Marcy to bring over her kids, and an extra their cousin.
So she had a total of 4 kids in her bakfiet...I carried Claartje and
a stroller in my bakfiet while Floor rode her bike thankfully. So we
took the kids(along with Marcy's friend Develin) and we all went to
Maradurdam. It's a tourist type place and it's down the street from
our house so not that far at all. It has everything you would ever
want to see in Holland in a minuature place. I have pictures so I'll
show you a bit. Of that, it was really cool and I'll probably go
back...the gift shop was awesome.
That Friday
night I went with Marcy and her friend Develin to the Carnival they
had in the center. It will be there through King's day weekend, which
is this coming Saturday. I have no idea what I'm doing then, but I'll
probabaly head to Amsterdam finally. So anyway, back to the carnival,
they had 3 big rides, we went on one, it was crazy, and such an
adrenaline rush, I had forgotten almost how they felt. It was
amazing. The only bad part was the wind, everytime we went down on
the ride the wind suffocated us, so we always took a giant breath, it
was quite amusing somewhat.
can't even remember..I'm tired it almost 1 am here at the moment but
I'm like so behind on my posts I told myself I was typing this now.
I'll come back to Saturday. Anyway, heres proof of my beer! I'm so proud
was Easter and I went out with Marcy again, and we headed to the
carnival again and then went to have dinner with her host family.
They are interesting people, they drink wine with their dinner...I
don’t like wine either...but I drank some, because its rude to say was gross, I loved the water though lol.
Monday I
also had off, we went to the beach then. And I should add while
Sunday was 22 degrees Celicius, Monday was around 10 degrees
celicius, and raining. And by the water it was windy and omigosh got
drenched, but it was my first time going there and I loved it despite
it all. It's only a ten minute bike ride...well...they say its ten
minutes...I rode it and it felt like 20 minutes to me, but then again
thats me and my gearless granny bike. I think I'll put a picture of
it up so you can see what I'm working with.
Next week
starting the 28th ish...I have the whole week off. And I
think I'm going to France...I was going to go to London but I can
always wait...I think...yeah because I need to save and stuff. I get
paid monthly and its a now, I'm broke like I have no
money left so luckily my host mom agreed to pay me early so I could
do something for King's day! Anyway, I'm gonna go, it's been good and
I'll have a more detailed post tomorrow.
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