I'll spend maybe a Day in London then and then the rest of my time in
Leeds. But I digress that is for another blog, this blob post is
about my weekend.
it started on Friday night when I . went to the train station, and
then to the bus station which is ontop of the train station lol. I
waited for my Eurolines bus for 8:15pm, and then got on it. I managed
to get my own seat and keep it the entire way! It was awesome, and
heres where it gets not so awesome. I had my Nook Tablet with me,
however in all my haste and trying not to forget anything I forgot my
was so bummed, but I didn't realize that until maybe 3 hours into the
trip when I realized that I needed to charge it but the charger was
nowhere to be found. And the Nook charger isn't available anywhere in
Europe, I know because I checked only on, as the item is sold
exclusively at Barnes in Nobles, which is an American Bookstore.. So
with that in mind, I shut off my music and put away the Nook(which
really blew as I had bought books specifically for the long ride
I made myself try to sleep, and since I had my own two little seats
along with a neck pillow and blanket, I was more or less set. I
didn't sleep very good, but anyway not that it matter, we stopped a
lot of times. It was a different experience this time as the Driver
of the bus spoke English, British English to be exact. And the door
was on the left side instead of the right, and the driver's seat was
on the right instead of the lelf. It was an eye opener.
had read about London, and even seen on movies and stuff about
England but being there is a different story entirely. So Because we
were going by bus, we had to take the ferry, but before we go there
we went through UK customs and Border controls, and they asked you
all types of things, like what was I planning to do there, why did I
want to come there, and etc. What the hell was I doing in Europe and
just totally nosy. Anyway, I was approved to go through and I have a
stamp on my visa part of my Passport that says I'm free to come and
go for the next 6 months lol.
the ferry ride which was 90 minutes but I spent most of it curled up
like a cat in a window seat. We then had to rush back to our coaches,
but I got slightly confused thankfully, I found us though!
And I didn’t know
where to go so I just went back into the coach station and curled up
in a chair and fell asleep. I dozed off an on for the next 3 hours
and finally when it was like 9am, I got up and made my way to
information who was finally open and got directions to the bus stop
for my bus.
bought a tourist bus ticket deal, one ticket good for 48 hours. And
bascially saw the sights that way. It was a hop on hop off tour, and
it was really fun. However I still had my backpack as I couldn't
check into my hostel yet so that bit sucked, I did get to see the
London Eye and Big Ben that was amazing. I loved it.
that's enough of Saturday for now, I'll be back tomorrow to continue
it. Enjoy the pictures I took.
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