Wednesday, November 5, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

What I have been up too??

Okay, I bet your wondering where the hell I've been. I can explain? I havent' done anything worthwihile mentioning since London. Because the bank charged my account 67.50 euros and depleted my account. I don't know if you know but London is very pricey! Those pounds are costly the exhange rate sucks for euros I don't even want to imagine how dollars would fair there. So since England I've been slumming it, going to parks after dark with a friend of course, I know totally unsafe, but whatever. And now it's November and I'm nearly broke again. The life an au pair, well you're living a very poor life indeed. Anyway, I'm not talking about that right now.

So I don't have many pictures this post because my camera of 8 or 9 years finally died on Sunday. Right when I had an Au Pair outing that my agency and Host mom made me go too. I had to spend 85 euros of my 300 euros this month to buy a new one as I am going to Paris next week. I want seriously??? It's supposed to be delivered today.

So on Sunday I went to Nijmegen, which is somewhere in the middle part of Holland, I live in the south part so it was 2 hours by train, however I had to change trains like 4 times, so in actuality it took like, 4 sucked. Let's see there we had a lunch and I found to my utter horror that my body has an issue tolerating salt at the momnt. Like seriously they had a pumpkin soup there and it was way to salty to mee so I didn't eat it. In actuality it was fine, but my host family uses no salt, and no pepper as I've stated before so as you can see my issue. When I go home, it's gonna suck in that way anyway. No way in hell do I want to stay longer

So anyway, after the lunch we had this tour, given by two guys on the history of WW2. I still need to go to a concentration camp, but I digress. Anyway, they mostly talked about bombings...I'm more interested in the personal stories as were the majority of the girls, so it was a bust for me. It's a black page on Dutch history I was told, because back then, Dutch police not Germans turned in the Jewish dutch people in could they do that? I can't judge, I know but that's horrific. I'm not surprised, because there is a lot of things that are slightly taboo here.

Take Sinterklass for instance....visit this link, pay attention to the paragraph Zwarte Piets..which translates to Black Peters. That is all I can say about that, without touching a nerve with some people, myself included.

Until next time, which may or may not be next week for Paris. 

On a side note, I almost forgot, Halloween with the kids...actually I'll make that a seperate  post until then lol


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