Saturday, October 4, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Munich Germany Pics!

So I know this is late, to be honest I just havent felt like writing anything, ror doing anything. The mundane daily tasks are really stretching me thin. This past week went by super slow, but that could be the fact that I'm forced to throw myself out their and make more friends, as all of the ones I met are gone home. I'm not gonna dwell on that, but living abroad has opened my eyes to an assortment of things. For instance, I never thought that I would miss something as simple as grocery shopping in America. It's not the size of the store honestly, I got over that though, it's easier here in a way.

  But the issue I'm having is when I ask for help to find something, the answer they give me is a blank look, as they don't understand that word and I have no clue what it is in dutch. The other day I took my 9 year old to the store with me, to look for Parsley. Now I know what it looks like, but it had a few other plants/veggies that looked like it so I asked her what it was in dutch. She wasn't sure but gave me the dutch word(which turned out to be correct but we ended up asking a woman to clarify lol) So far I've got by this year by finding everything myself, or bringing my host kid Floor who loves grocery shopping with me. She knows where everything is. But like today I didn't have her, so I like went down every bloody isle, just to find dried fruits! And no, it wasn't by the blloody nuts.

 Okay, that's over, lemme tell you about the city of Munich. I didn't have like a tour I had Marcy and Camilla and they were more interested in the souvenirs shop or the Beer halls. So I'm just going to show some pictures.

 On another note, my swimming lessons are really going well, I can swim across the pool, underwater, and kinda dive lol. The class yesterday she made us swim underneath this floating like table in the pool. It was scary slightly at first, because right after the fear of drowning is gone, the fear of not being able to get to the surface because something I blocking you comes out...therefore it goes back to the fear of Drowning lol. 

Anyways, I've made a lot of progress, definitely going to have to look up swimming classes when I go back to the states. I hope I can find some like my host mom found here, she pays 37 euros a month for my lessons which are 45 minutes long every Friday.


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