Tuesday, November 11, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Well, not something you hear everyday!

Hey, so I'm super tired at the moment, but I'm not planning on sleeping for another few hours so I know I've got some time to blog then. Bascially what's been going on with me since my last post is nothing much. Today is November 11, which is Veteran's Day in the states, and St. Martins Day here in Holland. Bascially the children go around to the houses sing songs and get candy, like Halloween slightly. Anyway that is not the reason for this blog post today.

I don't know if I ever said it but my Host dad is a Lord. Like an extremely high up person and in the Royal Family. Okay, take that in for a moment. Once you get passed that heres the next part. Tonight at dinner(and still here!) he's having an annual business dinner with all the important delegates in Holland(which are his colleagues and stuff) as well as Mark Rutte. And he is the Dutch Prime Minister! I could have met him if I stuck around earlier but I don't want too, it's just too weird for me. And he's still in the house now. They had a caterer and wine and it was just in a frenzy today.

Anyway that is all, I'll have more to talk about this week coming. I go to Paris on Friday with Claudine and Tirza.


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