Before I do
anything, I just want to say on the 13 anniversary. It' s always
somber this time of year, obviously, but here I don't feel it because
they werent personally affected by what happened all those years ago.
Has it really been 13 years? I think everyone will remember where
they were, what they were doing, how olde they were and ho they were
with (if they were old enough). This must be what the folks who got
the news of D-Day felt. I was 1 2 about to be 13, and in homeroom at
my Junior high. My teacher rushed in and told us all to shut up
before flicking on the tv. We saw the second plane hit, images
forever burned into my head. Whatever little bit of innocence we
still had we lost it that day, when we saw the horror of that day.
What must those people had felt and to jump...and it's intense to
think about it. Let alone live it at the time.
We will
never forget 9/11 and may they all rest in peace.
I'll post some pics that I took that. It would have been better but I was barely functioning on 4 hours of sleep... I need 5 to be my usual peppy (Hahaha) self.. So I was super exhausted then. Octoberfest is Next Saturday, and I'm getting slightly excited. I went on a shopping trip(set limits for myself and went over 10 euros!) But I was happy as I don’t have to pay the family anymore, but they're not happy, but I think my agency is finally helping me now. Whoo hoo.
Let's see on
this coming Sunday, I'm finally going to see Utrecht. I know, I
haven't yet been, but really I didn't know anyone there, and you can
only visit so many city centre before they all look the same. At the
moment, because's Prince's day is on Tuesday, they're a small
carnival in town, that my oldest two seem excited for..too bad the
baby who is 4, cannot go on any. Well except for the kiddie rides but
she always wants someone to ride with her lol.
In other
news, last week after my swimming class, I went into the changing
stall and a girl had left her bag in there. Iwith her Iphone, and a
ton of money and credit cards. I have morals, and I don't steal so I
returned it, but I hope she thinks twice. Firm believer in Karma...I
lose my camera yesterday and I got an email because everything synces
together(I love technology) so he found my email in the menu. He
returned it to me today.
However, I went to find his house near
Scheveningen beach and look I left at 10:40am. It's a 12 minute bike
ride to his house from mine. Why did it take me 45 minutes, and I
still didn't find it???? He had to come to me lol..No EFFING sense of
direction. Friends, take heed. Family should already know that if
you want me to meet you somewhere, you gotta give me a landmark..I.E
Train station, Theater, Casino...not a street or I won't find
it...ugh..and its even worse here because everything is in Dutch!!!! To the Right is Delft Glass, it's super expensive, but they have all types and it's so pretty.
This is the outside of the Anne Frank house, pictures weren't allowed inside. I understand the reasoning for it, as some people have a familial connection to the Holocaust and don't want be to be bothered by the shutters and flashes of camera.
So I shall end this blog with two night pictures of Amsterdam. Somehow we ended up in the Red light District, but that's not here, being there embarasses me. Anyway, enjoy and until the next post, OCTOBERFEST!!!!!
So I really forget aboout the Embassy Festival I went to on Saturday that showcased about 30 nationalities in the Hague. I'll add to that next post, possibly tonight.
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