So I'm really
tired right now, but I know if I don't blog about this now, I will
procrastinate until a week or more has gone by so here it Is. This
pass weekend the people in the Hague were gearing up for PrincjesDag,
which is basically Prince's Day.
And it is where the Royal Family
comes through the town of the Hague, and walk through with their
carriages and horses so you (the people) can wave and see. Kind of
like a parade I suppose. It was intense because the weather was so
good, so there were ALOT of people there..
On Monday we
went down to to the beach to watch a show, involving the police and
their horses, and Military people and their tanks. They had loud
noises, so that the horses wouldn't be spooked for the next day which
was Prince's day. It's only celebrated in the Hague, and not all of
Holland like I originally thought..
So the next
day Prince's Day, it was pretty busy, with bike lanes and streets
totally closed off. And I was manuerving a bakfiets on a sidewalk, I
bumped into some things lol. I've included some pictures, of the
One bit that truly stood out to me, was they had 3 guys
bulding sand scupltures for it. And they were magnificent, I took a
picture of them, but they were in progress so I really need to get the finishing touch.. Oh well, it's still pretty darnn awesome.
And this below is a picture of 2 of the 3 girls in their Prince's day Mask.
And yes this golden Carriage at the bottom has the King and Queen in there. I know that bit was super exciting.
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