Sunday, September 14, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Embassy Festival and getting Ready for Prince's Day

Okay so I said I would have another post super soon, and here it is!

So last week there was an Embassy Festival in the Hague, suposely to represent the different types of cultures and heritages and Nationalties that make up Den Haag. However, quite a few were missing, like the Canandian and American one. And I know a few expats from those particular country. Anyway I went with the girls, so I didn't get to try any exotic food or really do anything for myself. I found myself babysitting last Saturday. There are a few pictures below.

This weekend though, I was pretty busy. On Friday I went out with Marcy to look at the town, it's her last full weekend here in Holland. So naturally she's pretty bittersweet about it. Friday we went to Fiddler's its this British pub in the center, and it's nice if I wanted to get a drink or something.

Which we did, however Friday we had both had a busy week and worked and I had just got back from swimming class, so when we went out, we each had a pint of beer(which I managed to fnish and it was gross!) and something else, and then the next thing I know, We're kind of drunk and hungry, but also exhausted. We didn't do much, but we rode back to her house and made fries. Though while the fries were cooking we passed out on the couch and chairs respectively. Lol, we were tired, then woke up to eat then passed out again. Yeah so that was that.

Saturday we went into town and it was Open Monument Day we found out. So there were a ton of lines to go into things. We didn't get a chance to do anything but that's fine honestly. Got some pictures and stuff though. Later on that night we went out with two other Au Pair girls and checked out the tiny carnival they had there. I really miss rollercoasters, these just aren't cutting it for me. I need my adrenaline rush!

Sunday, which is now a lazy day, I decided to stay in, I turned down an invitation to go see a Castle with Marcy and her host family on account I had already seen it. Tomorow, the girls are out of school because Princesdag, which is Prince's Day in english is on Tuesday and the Queen, and King and their family will ride through Holland through in their carriages. Everyone is super excited about that. I think I would be too, if I didn’t have to baysit, But oh well. Then Octoberfest is Satturday. Can you believe it's nearly here? It's unreal. We leave Friday at around 10pm on the bus. It has wifi but I'm going to be sleeping. Until Tuesday then!


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