Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

9 Days and Hoping...

I'm hoping there is still light at the end of my tunnel, I have 9 days to find another Host Family and I'm doing everything I can to make that possible. Technically I can stay in the Netherlands for 90 days legally but I don’t have money like that. As it is, I'm already staying in a shelter for stranded Au Pairs. It makes me feel a bit better to know that its not only happened to me, but at the same time it totally sucks.

My Former Host Family went through Triple C, and by extension I am their Au Pair, in a sense. I'm not however able to get rematches through them, but on my own I can do it and they can help me. So I'm on my own, and I really do not want to go home and explain what happened, I don’t think I can even put it all into words, I swear I am running on adrenaline if I didnt feel so completely numb. This is how I knew I was upset, I havent eaten since 12pm yesterday, and all I ate yesterday was a bowl of yoghurt.

I hate this situation, but I'm trying to make it better, and not give up. I want to have no regrets for coming to Holland, and I already have one. I wish I had never met them, I tried to give and take, you know, I was doing a lot of giving on my part they werent taking, and then they said I wasnt giving. I'm tired and I'm not going to think on them. I slept two hours last night..or this morning really. It's hard to sleep somewhere you know longer feel welcome.

Anyway, like I said, I'm trying to find my Silver lining, and Operation Find New Host Family is a go! I have so many things I havent had a chance to see it, it would be a horrible pity to leave now...I've only been here 3 weeks...not even a whole month.
Monday, January 27, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Well, that's all Folks!

And I was really looking forward to getting to have the title '1 Month in the Netherlands' Ah well, I'll take what I can get right? I bet you guys are wondering what the hell I'm talking about, but I'll enlighting you, while the memory is still fresh and while I feel completely and totally numb.

Honestly, how does one expect to cope? So here I was in a blissful day after the parents of Brian went and visited a neighbor who recently lost their baby at 37 weeks. I'd like to think that Brian and I had a good day, and maybe he was older he could vouch for me I think. Anyway, my host mom has been very difficult to live with, I thought I would just come out and say it now, there's no reason to be so in the dark about it now. It doesn't matter anymore, I'm going home, back to the states.

I know thats a shocker huh? It was to me too as well, I felt a bit disconnected from the discussion, they had already made their decision and nothing was going to change their mind. I was told that you had 1 month grace period, that's the minimum it takes to get used to Holland, I still had one week left and I thought I was progressing fairly well, they did not. And they also didn't think to bring it to my attention either, I learned after a small talk about taking the initiative more on Saturday(but how can one take it, if Brian who is still breastfeed doesn't want me just his mother? And said mother who cannot stand the child's cry?) They decided today, which is Monday that it wasn't going to work, and pack my bags and go home.

Yeah, just like that. I'm in a state of numbness, I'm getting quite used to things of this nature happening to me. Just when something gets good in my life, something else horrible snatches it up, and I had high hopes that 2014, wouldn't turn out to be as horrible as last year was, but clearly I was living in a fairytale land. I was told by the husband that our personalities clashed, which was strange and him and I get along just fine, as mostly we don’t see each other. The mother however is who I've had the most interaction with, is very...well I don’t want to be rude, but anal comes to mind. Everything in the house is labeled, and you know which is what and whose, whose. She has to have everything a certain way, and I've stuck by that.

She doesnt like anyone in her kitchen, she prefers to cook. Okay, why is it that, when we had this discussion I was told I didnt even offer to cook for them? One, I did offer actually, I was told politely no, it wasn't necessary and to watch Brian. Two, she's has a gluten intolerance she knows the foods she can and cannot consume, it would be horrible to make a dinner only to see that she couldn't eat any of it. I was trying to be considerate, they saw uninterested. What I do not understand, is if they decided all of this last week, why did they buy things that only I enjoy in mast quantities as if I was still going to continue to be here? That doesn't make sense, but I don’t have the energy nor the effort to dwell on it.

I'm just, in like shock I suppose. Like seriously, never did I think this was going to happen. I wasnt yet ready for my year abroad to end, which sucks now. As when I go back sooner then I expected, I do not have a job anymore, but that's another thought for another day. Their agency told me that because I was more laid back, and from a western culure, the family didnt realize how much a culture shock this would be. I was fine from in end, adjusting perfectly after I got over the time difference. Anyone who knows me, knows my personality is quiet, however I can talk and I do. Apparently it wasnt enough for them and I got the boot. I'm not trying to think about it, just trying to go to the motions and pack my clothes, and try not to forget anything. I don’t think I really got souvenirs This is very depressing, like truly you have no idea how much this sucks.

Good enough I was told, but not good enough for this family.....*shakes head silently* I'm not even going to go there, I'm really not. It's not worth the heart ache, nor the distress.

Tomorow will suck, I have decided. It was either have the mom drop me off to the Agency and while that's easier, I just don’t want to, I don’t want to be anywhere near her for a long period of time. I just cannot do it. She refuses to talk to me actually, I've been dealing with the father. This is the most I've talked to him since I've been here. I don’t understand, if she was woman enough to want me gone, why not just contine on with it.

I guess she feels a bit guilty, I don’t think I really care to be honest. Anyway, I would rather take a train ride(I've had no experiences with trains here, I was going to take one this upcoming weekend when I went to Amsterdam but thats not happening obviously) They really messed everything up. But whatever, I cannot dwell on what's not going to change. Sadly this happens, but I don’t regret. I regret choosing the family I did, I wish I hadnt yet chose them, but I don’t regret my experience. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Next time however, I myself will register with an agency, and not think that I was already registered as I can't enter into rematch because of that little technicality I suppose.

I'm done, trying to be the bigger person....ad that means deleting them from my life lol, kidding.....or am I?  

Thursday, January 23, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Getting Lost, New Adventures, and Candy Shops

Alright this post is a bit scattered, and topics are everywhere and nowhere. I wrote this on my phone while I was out on the town. So of course I was making no sense, and I'm to tired from my little adventure to go in and try to correct everything. If you get lost..well you can use your little navigation in your phone to help you out >.< lol

Today was the first time I ventured out on the town by myself. Its a bit terrifying when you think about it.

I went an ordered McDonalds all by myself. The girl who helped me spoke the bare minimum of English and I speak the bare minimum of Dutch. Yes we floundered. Heart was racing in my chest but we somehow managed. We did run into some trouble when we got too the type of sauce as she couldn't find the English word and I was trying to think if I ever heard that word in dutch before. I even forwent asking for a straw, it was too much work.

Its a bit depressing eating lunch by ones self. This reminds me highschool, when everyone had friends and I didn't. Only this time there is no library to take cover in. Interesting enough children here get balloons on a stick when they go to McDonalds. I'm taking advantage of the free WiFi. Oh yeah on that note I need to get a calling card because after a moment Skype gets on my nerve with the drop calls.

Its gets dark early over here. I think its because of the winter though as I'm told that Summer it gets dark at 11:00pm. And the sun rises as 4:30am. No words for that.

Today I sent out the postcards to everyone that gave me an Address.. Except for one, and I forgot to do something as well. Crap I need to make a to do list.

Wow I ended up getting lost today, like legitimately lost as in j had no idea where I was going and I couldn't backtrack because j had to many turns and stuff. Everything started looking the same after a while. I went out a familiar store and ended up on unfamiliar street after street. This is where its gets bad, the weather report has been inaccurate at best all week. 

Every time I look at it it says that it'll rain tomorrow. Its been saying that since Sunday so today of all days I didn't bring my umbrella and its pouring outside. It started pouring after I came out the store.So then I get lost, on the bright side I found a candy shop(think of the 1970's Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory type candy shopp) that sells the American candy you grew up with...I walked by it(the store I mean) and I glanced it, before I doubled back. Because I figured i'll probably never find it again unless I'm lost. The candy I got well, I had to of course limit myself and I treated my lost self out,

I'm just ready to be indoors. So after my trek from being lost I was constantly telling myself that j wasn't lost as a couple things I remember seeing before but even I had to admit it when I ended up on a street I had no idea where the hell I was. And then the crowded streets went absent as it poured so I was on my own. I cant read a map on a good day and today it was pouring rain and cold, 31 degrees it says. . As I was saying I have a cool map that my host mom got it for me.

But I didn't want kg to get wet. The phone is what saved me GPS and Navigation at its finest. I turned out to be about 20 minutes away from where I was supposes to be and I took a couple of wrong turns even with the GPS as all signs are in Dutch.. Eventually I found my way and was taking no more chances.

I almost got hit by 3 bicyclists today. The buses stop for you and the bikes don't. I'm not a jerk when I'm on a bike but a lot of people here forget what its like to be a pedestrian. I'm nearly home now and its getting dark, the rain making it seemed even more so. I'm so ready for my cup of tea. My stop is coming up, so I'm gonna put this away for now.

At the moment, I'm sitting on my bed pondering about my day ou.t. It had been very frightening to me, as everywhere I turned no one spoke english at a glance. It's very hard getting used to that your language you've always known, isnt as common here as it would be at home. I think that's what I'm going to have the most trouble with. I can understand just a bit, enough for to look like I know what I'm doing but not enough for me to prevent myself from getting lost. Sad part I'm going to do this again on Saturday. Only difference there, is that I will be biking my way there. I don’t know how this part will go and thats what's a bit daunting at the moment. Hopefully though come Saturday I can take pictures of the Netherlands...and...myself unfortunately

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

3 weeks Today And Musings of Future posts

I feel like such a hermit. I havent been doing much because through the week, I take care of Brian. But tomorrow is my Day off and I'm planning to venture into the streets of Groningen..BY...MY....SELF! I know it's exciting and a bit frightening at the same time, but I'm never going to see things if I constantly wait for someone to go with me. So rain or shine(theres never much shine) so maybe rain or cloud, I'll be there.

Yesterday I went on another 3-4 mile bike ride, and I was able to go a bit faster then I had been the previous time. That's not what I decided to write about however. When I was coming back, in the back of the house, I showed before that it's like country back here. So on the path coming back, there was horse where I was supposed to ride by. Horses are huge up close, I would like to go back horseback riding but thats a story for another day. I have a picture of it, he was extremely close, and I was trying to keep my distance, because big animal, can be dangerous. But as you can see I took this from my phone without the zoom on. 

I learned a bit more since I've been here, like the Dutch do not have snakes here, unless you count the zoo, or the harmless garter snakes. Which was weird. They have this animal, that they do not have in the states, and it's endangered and their favorite thing to eat is the the cable cords in the hood of your car...I know a weird animal right? The closest thing I could think that it comes to is a Ferret, but the animal is called a Steenmarter which translates to Stone Marten, which I have no idea what the hell that is.

My dutch is still atrocious, but I like to think I'm getting a bit better. Tomorow when I go to the City Centre by myself, I'm going to be a bit of a tourist as I'm being hounded to get pictures. I've only been here for 3 weeks today, it's understandable that I don’t have pictures yet. I'm a bit self concious taking a whole bunch of pictures as everyone looks at tourist like 'omg really' and I'd rather not have to deal with that. I don’t care, I just why you know? And besides theres not much to take pictures of...unless you want more pictures of Canals or the backyard?

Okay, Au Pair wise, Brian is awesome, he doesnt eat much, which isnt very good actually but you can't force a kid to eat if he doesnt want too. And all that crap about, he'll eat when he's hungry...the kid is hungry..still not eating, so thats worrysome. I've been alone with him up two hours I think, and I feel as if I'm not doing enough, so we shall see how this goes.

The money, which I think I'll take a picture of, some time. It's different, but its the same. Like the euro, you pay the same way you do with dollars. Only difference is they give you back change with 2 euro, or 1 euro dollar coins instead of the bills like the ones in the states. That's what I've gotten used too, I wish I could hurry up and learn more dutch, as going out as an english speaker only is so itimidationg. Over here, when they get to school, they learn English, and in highschool and either learn French, German, or something else. So everyone here has at least 3 languages under their belt. I feel like my schools didnt set me up so well.

Hopefully my post tomorrow, will have a ton more stuff to talk about it, as this one did not. 
Sunday, January 19, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Biking, Sour Frozen Yoghurt, and Future Trips

Hey guys,

This is coming to you a day early because someone *cough Alyssa cough* wants me to make more posts. I love writing but at the same time, I hate it. To sit here and type is bothersome, even if I have nothing to do. But as today is Sunday and its my day off being the weekend which is cool I have some time or so to write.

I'm going to start off with I think it was Friday, I went out with Robijn, and she took me to the city centre the dutch way; by bike! Let me just tell you, that I was super excited when I first got here to ride the bikes everywhere but once I was on it, that quickly fell. The bike, which I showed you in a last post is considered a granny bike in America. It has 3 gears(thank god!) as some bikes here have none like Robijns.

Anyway, I felt that if those 3 gears hadnt been there, I wouldnt have made it to the city center. It's only 15-20 minutes by bike at a moderate pace but as this was my first time, I did so bad. I made it, and she was like you did good, but it was horrible I think. And then we met up with Ria and then went walking again. Note to self, I'll probably get in the best shape of my life while I'm here. And then after we walked around for a few hours it got dark and it was time to go back home...on bike.

I sobbed, not really but mentally I was crying like a baby. I managed it as I had no choice, but jeez my calves were burning and my face was frozen as the air was very cold. The sad part is, I have to do that again sometime, as I cant take the bus all the time, where would be the fun in that? On the brighter note, I did push myself to do it, and I accomplished it, felt pretty good too.

Saturday which was yesterday was more fun, I went to my dutch class, which is coming along nicely, I still cannot pronounce their G's. It's very hard to even hear the sound. But we went back to the City Center and all this week they had a music fesitival going on called Eurosonic.


Some of the songs, and acts werent very good from what were were able to see but a few were pretty nice. Most songs were in english, some were not. And all talking was in dutch....great. I have a few pictures from Eurosonic which just has me excited for other music festivals at a later date in like Germany and stuff. Though it's totally far away, I'm going to Octoberfest, like seriously.

Another thing I noticed, was I swear it always comes back to the food for me, but I'd like to think I'm getting used to it. We found this great place called Pure frozen, that sells frozen yoghurt and hot drinks like chai tea(Yay!) and cupcakes and its overall awesome. Anyway I went to have my first dutch frozen yoghurt and thinking it was like home I almost got it plain but I got strawberrie's on them, at my friend's suggestion.

Okay so I take my first spoonful, and the yoghurt is unlike what I was expecting, it was sour and not sweet. Apparently all dutch yogurt(even the kinds you buy in the supermarket here) is sour. Except for the soy yogurt which is all I've been eating here, and thats sweet because soy milk is sweeter. Dude, it was good, but weird like I had never had sour frozen yogurt before. Here's a picture of my treat, it's looks like its so sweet...but it's anything but. 

And yesterday I had a frozen pizza for dinner, and I know you're probably thinking, why in the hell is she talking about that. Most of the frozen pizza I've tasted at home was okay, and nothing to brag about. Not sure what the heck kind of pizza I had here, my host dad picked it out, but it didn't taste like it came from the freezer. And here when you have pizza, they have their own pizza plates with pizza cutters. Interesting, I can't wait to check out Italy.

I feel like this post was completely boring but I didn't feel I did anything awesome like I have been. In a few weeks however I'm going to Antwerp which is isn Belgium for a culture outing with my Au Pair agency. I'm really looking forward to that, and I just got my new phone and I plan on taking ALOT of pictures with it so I know that post will be awesome to write about. And then in another couple of week, like in February or the last of January, I am going to Amsterdam! 

Omigosh I'm super excited about that, like you have no idea. It's only 2 hours by train and though I could go throughout the week, I want to go my first time with someone so I have a sense of knowing what to do and where to go. I'm extremely ready for that. I have a lot of things lined up, and not sure when to do it. Like when I lost my luggage, the airline gave me 50 euros as compensation to use on a future flight, I'm putting that to use for when I go to London. Man there is so many things I want to do, and everything is well within reach. It's really exciting to me. Anyways, thats all for now, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. This is the view I see whenever I go somewhere, Canals are everywhere!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Coffee-Shops, Red Light District, and KFC, what a weekend!

Hey everybody it's my birthday today!(or yesterday I just wrote the beginning of this post yesterday) I have hit the big 25, I'm now in my late twenties, how weird is that. I don't think it matters very much as I don't look a day over 16 still. I have quite a lot to share with you guys so this is probably going to be a fairly long blog post as it sums up my entire weekend which was pretty full all things considering. So today I was sung happy birthday on my own dutch fruit tart cake, that tasted a bit like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, anyway it was very different. Sorry I cant decide on a font, I prefer handwritten fonts to the usual. And sorry I know this post is super late but I wasn't in the mood for writing yesterday, it was my birthday after all and I didn't want to.

The Dutch's happy birthday song, but very cool. Sunday my host parents took me out to a restaurant that we all thought was an American Restaurant here in the Netherlands as literally that is there theme. When you walk in there its like walking into a jungle safari place with American places, themes and the likes plastered everywhere. They even have a replica of a 1950's convertible car hanging from the ceiling. The place was called Yankee Doodle(very yank huh?) but it was far from American.

The hosts and cooks there spoke dutch(I'm getting quite used to perfecting my blank stare, it's pretty sad actually) and the food well it tried to be American but it tasted dutch. The Dutch do not season their food like Americans, but I'm not going to do yet another post on that particular subject. But I must say everything closes way too early here, but more on that later. Also today when I went to go get a postcard for my dad I was told after the store clerk spoke dutch to me that I didn't look like I spoke English because every other person who look like me..(ie black!) speak something other then English. Now if only I can understand Dutch, it would be so much easier I think. Alright so that was Sunday, now on to Saturday.

Saturday I went out with what I am calling my new friends Robijn, and Ria, they're both students and of course they both speak dutch and English but neither are their native tongue. Ria is from Aruba and Robijn is well I forget actually, but I know she's not from here. Anyway they took me to Groningen City Centre which is the place to be. It's similar to Baystreet in Emeryville only it's..like 10 times as big. It's huge and gosh everything is so bloody expensive here!

Before that I had my dutch class its every Saturday morning from 10-12, and I actually dont like it as much as I thought. But I'll get over myself I think. I wish I could understand a bit more and I wish I didn't feel so behind all the time. I take the class with two other Au Pairs, one is from Thailand who has been here for 6 months already and the other is from South Africa whose language is very similar to dutch. She actually understands Dutch but she just cannot speak it back. As you can see as I've only been here for almost two weeks, I feel very behind like I'm constantly playing catch up.

Also that Saturday night I feel this is important as I love KFC, I really do and I'm totally depressed now as I write this. We went out to KFC here, and I found out that the one in the Netherlands ONLY serves Corn and Coleslaw as their sides...no mac and cheese or potaoes etc..*sobs* Alright and if that wasnt bad enough they only have breast, wing, and drumstick...I'm still trying to figure out where the hell did the thigh go, thats my favorite part of the chicken. But on the plus side, they sell this amazing chicken wings, they call it spicy but its not, and they have french fries as well, of course you have to buy your ketchup!They have every fast food place they have in California except for Taco Bell, that's not here. Matter fact there isn't any Mexican places over here, and I can see myself craving a burrito later on, and I'm already sad about that. Oh yeah and one other thing I totally found out this Saturday.

My Host mom had given me a brief explanation but Robijn and Ria, had explained it even more. Okay when you see a place that's called a Coffee-shop, it's not an actual place to truly buy coffee. If you want to buy that, you have to go to a Cafe, as the word Coffee-shop.

 Well that is code for Cannabis/Marijuana, as each place has a bit of the plant that symbolizes what weed is, I'll show you a few pictures of what I mean. Each person here if they want can go into these 'Coffee shops' and get a certain amount of the drug per day, because that's all legal here. I'm not into that, but it sounds a bit fun to eat a brownie with it...when in Rome and all that, but then again that's not my scene!

Also, we made our way(my host mom and I) on total accident into the red-light district of Groningen which I was told is fairly small considering Amsterdam’s! I was uncomfortable as was she. There were women in windows, and if you made eye contact they would smile at you and then start giving you a show. I didn't look, the minute we started passing these red lights, I was looking elsewhere I was extremely just not ready for that. You know since prostitution is legal here, and they have to pay taxes and have to take a few medical exams a month. So now it's a 'good' job. I'm not one to judge, but it's not for me.

Saturday is also where I learned that while mostly everything is expensive here(I brought two things for my hair that would have cost me $8 in the States, it was 16.90 euro here, which is $23.12) Yeah if I didnt need it, I wouldn't have gotten it. But I digress what I was saying was tax is always included in the price, its' their law. So I got a hat and mitten's set from H&M and it said 5 euros so I was trying to get some tax out and my friend is like no, its already included and it was, I was stunned. Everywhere you go, including the traitorous KFC is tax included!

Today which is Tuesday was pretty mellow, I took care of Brian in the morning again, and then when he had his morning nap at 11am, I went out for a 3-4 mile bike ride, I'm not sure how long to be honest but I was gone an hour. I went around the parts of the neighborhood and bicycling path I was shown just last week. I'm trying to commit it to memory. Another exciting thing, my cell phone is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I don't know why I'm getting all excited as I have no friends over here really. Gosh it kind of feels like I'm a kid all over again trying to make friends, only now you have the internet for that.

I'm afraid this post didnt have a lot of pictures I keep forgetting my to bring my camera out with me, not to mention it takes horrible pictures at night even with the flash. It's time to upgrade that is for sure. They have some strange animals here, I saw a cross between a duck and a geese, not sure what it was to be honest and my host mom didn't either. This post wasnt as long as I thought either. Oh and one more thing I thought worth mentioning, in America they do not have Lipton sparkling tea, they do here, and Dutch people love the stuff, I like it too, but its very fizzy so I prefer it without. And on that note with my randomness, I am finished! Until next post guys!

Thursday, January 9, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

1st week, Rainy days, and trying new foods!

Alright, well it's been 3 days, I think I'll make a new post every 3 days or so it seems like a good amount of time between when I'm doing new things and what not. I have offically been in the Netherlands for one whole week. Longest week of my life, and until I get the last of California time off of me(which takes two weeks!) I'll feel awesome. This past week was pretty uneventful, in case anyone is wondering I did get my luggage sometime this past Saturday... I wasnt sure if you guys were interested but I mentioned in my last post what a typical dutch breakfast looked like. Here is the picture however. It's not unpleasant, just a bit different.

At the moment however, it's raining or it stopped raining a bit. Well it's going on an off, and the wind is horrible. I was pretty productive today actually. First we headed to the bank where I could finally get my american dollars exchanged, and if I hadnt mentally prepared myself I would have sobbed. I had managed to save $400, and was very proud of that fact but believe me when I tell you that the dollar truly has fallen. I got E280, for that., which is nothing. Everything is horribly expensive here, and I'm not trying to buy any clothes, except for a sweatshirt that says Netherlands.

Today I tried new things, food wise among some things, My host dad Bart comes from an Indonesian family and he has foods that he really likes and incorporates it into his home. So today for lunch we had something called Lempers. Which is this right here below on the right.
And basically its; sticky rice with some type of filling, it was quite good. 

Another treat I tried was called Glutinous rice balls and I didnt like it. It was an extremely sticky rice ball full of sesame seeds which were sweetened, check it out, its too the left.
Like eggnog it is an acquired taste so is the sesame balls, I managed one of the balls out of the three I had and gave the rest to my host mom. Yay for trying new things!

Today was also the day where regardless of the weather I was able to check out the bike that I'll be riding this year. It's a traditional dutch bike, and has 3 gears and its upright so it's great for your back and your not bending over like on a mountain bike.. It's really my host mom and I thought I was tall but she is VERY tall. And the bike was made for her, I feel so short every time I ride it. It's here if you're interested its just below.
But I'm steady on it, and I like it. I'm still a bit weary of riding in the street as biking in California has taught me to be aware. Bicycles here have the right-away and drivers are extremely careful on the road with you but I'm still horrified. The Netherlands is all flat, so it's perfect for bike riding, the only bad thing is I remember that I'm totally out of shape, and that riding against the wind and rain, is horrible. Note to self:: Buy a windbreaker asap!

I also was given a bit of Au Pair work, well yesterday more-so. My host parents trusted me with Brian as Jacequelien, my host mom went to drop off my Host dad Bart at work. And it was a half hour, and I was left home alone with Brian. I did well because he didnt cry. And believe me when he doesnt like something he will more then make his displeasure known. Then today she showed me how she gave him a bath and got him ready for the day. 

He's an extremely active baby, and he absolutely hates it when he has to sit still in one space. He has this shriek, or a wail really. It's very baby like, and it's hard on the ears. But thankfully I think, Chuck E Cheese, has me immune to baby cries, like they dont hurt my ears. I can usually think through it and focus on making him not cry or something. I'm very good at distracting him so that he forgets his displeasure for a few minutes. Which let me tell you, every little bit helps.

Oh, I took a few pictures of what I see just outside of our home here, it's very countryside, in a way it reminds me of Ohio. And one other thing, for everyone that I promised a postcard, I get to check those out this weekend. I'm excited!

To the left is the view from my bedroom.

And to the right and the 2 pictures after that is directly behind the houses, on a bit of a cycling path. There are a couple of farms just a bit further as well.

One more lasting picture and I will finish up this post, when I arrived here, I was informed that the Netherlands has a plethora of fast food places like in America. They have all the popular ones except for Taco Bell. They of course have Mcdonalds, and I was told that here,  you have to buy your own ketchup, of all things, and it's 50 eurocents, I would rather bring my own or eat them plain me personally. One more thing, check out this sign, they actually sell this. My host parents were very surprised that in America we dont have one of those items. I'm not looking forward to trying it.

I do however wish to compare if they taste the time, the food I mean. I'm a bit tired at the moment, it's only 7:30pm here but I'm beat. So I'm going to head off, to bed. Next month my agency is having a 2 day excursion to Berlin, with other Au pairs. And I think I would like to go. I have until January 13, which is next Monday and also my birthday to think about it. It's pretty perfect because my host parents will be gone that weekend anyway, and I would have been home alone which is.....pretty creepy. I'll continue to think about it, Until Next time,
Monday, January 6, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Jetlagged, Dutch lessons, and Tea Oh My!

Hey, So I know it's been 3 days but even as I felt that I should write here in that time, I really didnt want too. This jetlag has been pretty brutal to me and thats where my energy is going to.

1. I had my first Dutch Lesson this past Saturday at 10am, and I cannot even tell you what I learned. The only thing I truly remember how to say is Ik ben Toni or Mijn Naam is Toni. And that mean I am Toni or my name is Toni. I'm dreading a bit of my homework which I should probably be doing now *sigh* My sleep schedule is still wonky meaning I am still on California time. Yesterday I was very proud of myself though, I managed to stay awake until 5:36pm before I went to sleep and woke up at 11:30pm. It sucks as in the wee hours of the morning I cannot stay sleep like now lol. Its very tiring as around 12:00pm I'll be sleeping or wanting to sleep. But enough on that.

2. Sunday was pretty chilled, we waited for my Host dad Bart to get off work(as hes been working the night shift these pass few nights) before we(my host mom and host kid and me) went for a walk around the whole neighborhood and then to the store. Its very countryside where they live, they arent that far from the city though. But I do see myself traveling by bike(I get one on Tuesday!) the train and the bus. Especially since I want to check out Amsterdam. I have been told for longer excursions as soon as we all get some time they want to teach to drive a stick shift which is awesome as that is a skill I can take back to America. As Manual cars are a heck of alot cheaper then automatics.  One more thing about the cars here, they are very tiny, I will take some pictures later I promise.

3. The food is one more thing I wanted to talk about. I am open-minded and trying new things, but some of the tastes of some of the food, just I do not like. Like some of the sweets and chocolate, I'm not a fan of, like they have this treat, I call it sandwich in a pouch lol, its this below and I cannot even tell you the flavor of it, only that I didnt really like it. It comes two slices with something inbetween in it. And you get two pouches for a total of two sandwiches...I recieved 2 bundles for a total of 4 sandwiches. I also received a dutch gift basket with a alot of goodies. I'll upload the video after I finish this post. My Host family are some amazing people, I feel really I dont know, lucky to have found them. Or they found me actually :)

  But there are other things, that I taste, and I'm like where have you been all my life lol. The way the Dutch eat meals and stuff is very different from my own. At home I do not eat breakfast really, not as early as I do here. Here since I'm already up, I eat between 7am-9am, and my breakfast is normally Toast with Nutella, or a warmed crossiant with Nutella, with a small bowl of non-dairy yogurt(which is very good) and a small cup of ice tea.

Yesterday I deviated from that breakfast because I ran out of yogurt, and I had a cereal, which had pieces of coconut, raisins, other things that looked that tree bark, and it was all natural and I ate most of it, but it wasnt very enjoyable. I really miss Frosted Rice Krispies Cereal. Lunch, well I'm never awake to eat it, so I couldnt really tell you much about it, but I just asked for lunch meat and bread to make a sandwich for future uses. Now the big one, dinner, thats really the only hot meal the dutch makes a day, and I noticed I look forward to it, as I'm used to at least 2 hot meals a day. Dinner is interesting, I took a picture of what dinner was the day before yesterday, I enjoyed most of it, just not the sausages.

Those are steamed tomatoes and steamed Zuccini or Italian squash whichever one you prefer. They tasted raw but at the same time cooked too. I didnt like it. I either like them raw or cooked, but not a mixture of both, oh and they had no seasoning on it, which I read in my dutch book is normal. It was alot of food, even though it doesnt look like much. The yellow in the bowl was cheese, and the two glass cups you see one had sugar and a tea bag. The Dutch really love their tea, and I find myself loving all of the flavors. Which reminds me, check this out!!

Who would have thought it right? The flavor I chose to take a chance at was this baby on the left. It's wierd but in a good way, I really do like it. Maybe, I'll get brave enough to try the other outrageous flavors, and trust me, they have many more then just those three>>>

I think thats all for right now, but I'm really enjoying my time here in the Netherlands. Later on today we have an appointment to head to the Goverment over here to go get a picture for my Visa. I got accepts for my visa they just didnt approve my pictures that I sent. And then in two weeks, I get a residence and I can finally get a bank account(as there is something I meant to by before I left the states and forgot, but they ship here to the Nederlands for free) but I digress.

Friday, January 3, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

My first offical day in the Netherlands

Today, has been one be rush of tiredness. I'm trying not to go to bed but I'm really exhausted right now. The time difference from California and the Netherlands is 9 hours and let me tell you I am feeling it. Its the wee hours of the early morning back in the states where I'm from and it's 2 hours passed noon here. Today was a fairly productive day, my luggage is still unaccounted for, so I'm sad about that. Here's to hoping I get it tonight, or tomorrow. As I REALLY want to unpack my clothes.

My  host parents took me out on a shopping trip, as you get reimbursed if the airline loses your luggage, up to 225 euros. I hate shopping and then add to the fact that I'm tired, well it went okay. But anymore and I would have melted down I think. I got some really cool socks among a few other things, but the one thing that I love that has nothing to do with the shopping trip is the electric blanket my host mom got me. It keeps me warm. A matter fact I'm bout to lie down in a bit and get a small nap in.

So in addition to going shopping for clothes, we also went grocery shopping and the Dutch I noticed has a lot of tea. And carbonated sweet tea? Sounds yummy and I can't wait to try it. I used to think it was an American thing that if you refused refreshments or food you can offend then. I think it's a human thing. Because last night I wasn't hungry or thirsty but I was constantly offered items. Today I helped myself to some breakfast(which was yogurt and a slice of bread with some Nutella) and I was full. This will make an interesting year I think. I think I hear an Ambulance outside, it sounds different, foreign to me. Anyway, my  host parents use cars, I haven't seen a bike at all, so that's a bit of a let down, but that's fine as its really cold and I don't mind something that I'm used to.

Brian my host kid, is really sweet. He cries a lot, and doesn't like to ride whether it be in his car seat, or stroller or just sitting in his highchair. He hates being confined so I can see already that me and him are going to be going out a lot. He let me hold him and everything! Jacqueline said that they put my pictures around the house so he could get used to seeing me, and he kind of knows me now. But then again it's only been 2 days so we have some time.

I have a dutch class tomorrow, and I need to check out the video that my teacher told me to check out.
Thursday, January 2, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

First Night in the Netherlands

Well, I've arrived to my destination. I started in San Francisco, then had a layover in Copenhagen, and then I went to Amsterdam. And one more hurdle, a two hour car ride to Groningen, and now I am at the place I will be calling home. My room is fairly small but you can tell that it was done with love and care in it. So I like it, its my own little spot. Which I will show pictures of my room later or a small video I haven't decided which one yet.

Basically what's happened is my luggage went from SFO to Copenhagen, but when I went to Amsterdam it did not. So now I'm here with no clothes, and I cannot lose my things, I just bought some of those clothes and I haven't even had a chance to wear them, not to mention my red teddy bear blanket which I've had since I was 6 is in one of them. It was in my carry on that they made me check because my first flight was packed and they wanted the semi-big bags to go under the plane. I really regret saying yes to that, but then again, I don't think I actually had much choice.

I think I'm going to have a shower, I traveled for 2 days and I'm ready for some hot water, not to mention it's 11:22pm here, and I'm pretty tired. I didn't get much sleep on the plane, I mean how could I? The seats are extremely  uncomfortable, unless you are in first class, or business class. One day I will ride those seats, one day.

I have a Dutch class on Saturday in the morning so I need to study for it by watching a couple of videos, which is what tomorrow is for, as I am NOT doing that now.

Alright, that's pretty much just a check in, but I just wanted to say that my host parents are amazing, and my host mom really outdid herself. She went above and beyond and I am extremely thankful for that. I hope I'm more chatty tomorrow, as I feel I didn't speak enough to them. I hope I don't offend them, I really do like them!

Happy New Year

Well, It's starting to wind down this hectic, but not really hectic day. I have an hour or so until I board my flight, and the excitement is neither here nor there. Not to mention, I'm not sad that I'm leaving, and though I hugged my brother and my mom, I'm not sad still. Maybe I am growing up, and not nearly as attached as I used to be. Maybe I really am ready to do this trip, and come back a better me.

I never thought I would have such an opportunity to do this, but I have no regrets. Its time for me to get out of my comfort zone, and I hope I have the guts to live it up in the Netherlands, within reason od course, as I'm not a wild and crazy person, thankfully. Some of things I was reading up on my pamphlets is just wow, the differences are astounding almost.

I'm hoping the flight will be an easy one, which basically translates to, here's to hoping I sleep the entire thing. I don't have much to say, but here's a picture to where I am going!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

23 hours and counting :)

I leave in about 23 hours and I swear it just hasnt quite sunk in yet. I still need to finish up some last minute packing(I think I now get how one packs a years worth of clothes in two suitcases). Only one check in is allowed, but I'm allowed to carry ons, a small suitcase and a backpack is what I'm bringing. but other then that I am ready. Sunday I said goodbye to everyone at work, and it wasn't as sad as I thought, then again the people I will miss I have them on facebook which makes it feel like they're only a click away(which they are).

It's hard to believe that I will be leaving for the Netherlands tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty mellow at the moment, my adventure of possibly my lifetime is about to start and I'm not scared or excited or anything. I actually feel pretty numb, heres to hoping when I finally hit the airport the news will hit me in the face. I'm extremely excited to meet my host family, and Brian. I know he's more adorable in person then in the pictures.

Well I'll write more of this tomorrow when I actually have something to blog worthwhile, now that people are going to be reading this, here is to hoping that I dont come off as weird(like that's happening...when I'm weird in real life lol)