Sunday, January 19, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Biking, Sour Frozen Yoghurt, and Future Trips

Hey guys,

This is coming to you a day early because someone *cough Alyssa cough* wants me to make more posts. I love writing but at the same time, I hate it. To sit here and type is bothersome, even if I have nothing to do. But as today is Sunday and its my day off being the weekend which is cool I have some time or so to write.

I'm going to start off with I think it was Friday, I went out with Robijn, and she took me to the city centre the dutch way; by bike! Let me just tell you, that I was super excited when I first got here to ride the bikes everywhere but once I was on it, that quickly fell. The bike, which I showed you in a last post is considered a granny bike in America. It has 3 gears(thank god!) as some bikes here have none like Robijns.

Anyway, I felt that if those 3 gears hadnt been there, I wouldnt have made it to the city center. It's only 15-20 minutes by bike at a moderate pace but as this was my first time, I did so bad. I made it, and she was like you did good, but it was horrible I think. And then we met up with Ria and then went walking again. Note to self, I'll probably get in the best shape of my life while I'm here. And then after we walked around for a few hours it got dark and it was time to go back home...on bike.

I sobbed, not really but mentally I was crying like a baby. I managed it as I had no choice, but jeez my calves were burning and my face was frozen as the air was very cold. The sad part is, I have to do that again sometime, as I cant take the bus all the time, where would be the fun in that? On the brighter note, I did push myself to do it, and I accomplished it, felt pretty good too.

Saturday which was yesterday was more fun, I went to my dutch class, which is coming along nicely, I still cannot pronounce their G's. It's very hard to even hear the sound. But we went back to the City Center and all this week they had a music fesitival going on called Eurosonic.


Some of the songs, and acts werent very good from what were were able to see but a few were pretty nice. Most songs were in english, some were not. And all talking was in dutch....great. I have a few pictures from Eurosonic which just has me excited for other music festivals at a later date in like Germany and stuff. Though it's totally far away, I'm going to Octoberfest, like seriously.

Another thing I noticed, was I swear it always comes back to the food for me, but I'd like to think I'm getting used to it. We found this great place called Pure frozen, that sells frozen yoghurt and hot drinks like chai tea(Yay!) and cupcakes and its overall awesome. Anyway I went to have my first dutch frozen yoghurt and thinking it was like home I almost got it plain but I got strawberrie's on them, at my friend's suggestion.

Okay so I take my first spoonful, and the yoghurt is unlike what I was expecting, it was sour and not sweet. Apparently all dutch yogurt(even the kinds you buy in the supermarket here) is sour. Except for the soy yogurt which is all I've been eating here, and thats sweet because soy milk is sweeter. Dude, it was good, but weird like I had never had sour frozen yogurt before. Here's a picture of my treat, it's looks like its so sweet...but it's anything but. 

And yesterday I had a frozen pizza for dinner, and I know you're probably thinking, why in the hell is she talking about that. Most of the frozen pizza I've tasted at home was okay, and nothing to brag about. Not sure what the heck kind of pizza I had here, my host dad picked it out, but it didn't taste like it came from the freezer. And here when you have pizza, they have their own pizza plates with pizza cutters. Interesting, I can't wait to check out Italy.

I feel like this post was completely boring but I didn't feel I did anything awesome like I have been. In a few weeks however I'm going to Antwerp which is isn Belgium for a culture outing with my Au Pair agency. I'm really looking forward to that, and I just got my new phone and I plan on taking ALOT of pictures with it so I know that post will be awesome to write about. And then in another couple of week, like in February or the last of January, I am going to Amsterdam! 

Omigosh I'm super excited about that, like you have no idea. It's only 2 hours by train and though I could go throughout the week, I want to go my first time with someone so I have a sense of knowing what to do and where to go. I'm extremely ready for that. I have a lot of things lined up, and not sure when to do it. Like when I lost my luggage, the airline gave me 50 euros as compensation to use on a future flight, I'm putting that to use for when I go to London. Man there is so many things I want to do, and everything is well within reach. It's really exciting to me. Anyways, thats all for now, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. This is the view I see whenever I go somewhere, Canals are everywhere!


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