I feel like such a
hermit. I havent been doing much because through the week, I take
care of Brian. But tomorrow is my Day off and I'm planning to venture
into the streets of Groningen..BY...MY....SELF! I know it's exciting
and a bit frightening at the same time, but I'm never going to see
things if I constantly wait for someone to go with me. So rain or
shine(theres never much shine) so maybe rain or cloud, I'll be there.
Yesterday I went
on another 3-4 mile bike ride, and I was able to go a bit faster then
I had been the previous time. That's not what I decided to write
about however. When I was coming back, in the back of the house, I
showed before that it's like country back here. So on the path coming
back, there was horse where I was supposed to ride by. Horses are
huge up close, I would like to go back horseback riding but thats a
story for another day. I have a picture of it, he was extremely
close, and I was trying to keep my distance, because big animal, can
be dangerous. But as you can see I took this from my phone without
the zoom on.

My dutch is still
atrocious, but I like to think I'm getting a bit better. Tomorow when
I go to the City Centre by myself, I'm going to be a bit of a tourist
as I'm being hounded to get pictures. I've only been here for 3 weeks
today, it's understandable that I don’t have pictures yet. I'm a
bit self concious taking a whole bunch of pictures as everyone looks
at tourist like 'omg really' and I'd rather not have to deal with
that. I don’t care, I just why you know? And besides theres not
much to take pictures of...unless you want more pictures of Canals or the backyard?
Okay, Au Pair
wise, Brian is awesome, he doesnt eat much, which isnt very good
actually but you can't force a kid to eat if he doesnt want too. And
all that crap about, he'll eat when he's hungry...the kid is
hungry..still not eating, so thats worrysome. I've been alone with
him up two hours I think, and I feel as if I'm not doing enough, so
we shall see how this goes.
The money, which I
think I'll take a picture of, some time. It's different, but its the
same. Like the euro, you pay the same way you do with dollars. Only
difference is they give you back change with 2 euro, or 1 euro dollar
coins instead of the bills like the ones in the states. That's what
I've gotten used too, I wish I could hurry up and learn more dutch,
as going out as an english speaker only is so itimidationg. Over
here, when they get to school, they learn English, and in highschool
and either learn French, German, or something else. So everyone here
has at least 3 languages under their belt. I feel like my schools
didnt set me up so well.
Hopefully my post
tomorrow, will have a ton more stuff to talk about it, as this one
did not.
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