Thursday, January 23, 2014 | By: ToniGurl

Getting Lost, New Adventures, and Candy Shops

Alright this post is a bit scattered, and topics are everywhere and nowhere. I wrote this on my phone while I was out on the town. So of course I was making no sense, and I'm to tired from my little adventure to go in and try to correct everything. If you get lost..well you can use your little navigation in your phone to help you out >.< lol

Today was the first time I ventured out on the town by myself. Its a bit terrifying when you think about it.

I went an ordered McDonalds all by myself. The girl who helped me spoke the bare minimum of English and I speak the bare minimum of Dutch. Yes we floundered. Heart was racing in my chest but we somehow managed. We did run into some trouble when we got too the type of sauce as she couldn't find the English word and I was trying to think if I ever heard that word in dutch before. I even forwent asking for a straw, it was too much work.

Its a bit depressing eating lunch by ones self. This reminds me highschool, when everyone had friends and I didn't. Only this time there is no library to take cover in. Interesting enough children here get balloons on a stick when they go to McDonalds. I'm taking advantage of the free WiFi. Oh yeah on that note I need to get a calling card because after a moment Skype gets on my nerve with the drop calls.

Its gets dark early over here. I think its because of the winter though as I'm told that Summer it gets dark at 11:00pm. And the sun rises as 4:30am. No words for that.

Today I sent out the postcards to everyone that gave me an Address.. Except for one, and I forgot to do something as well. Crap I need to make a to do list.

Wow I ended up getting lost today, like legitimately lost as in j had no idea where I was going and I couldn't backtrack because j had to many turns and stuff. Everything started looking the same after a while. I went out a familiar store and ended up on unfamiliar street after street. This is where its gets bad, the weather report has been inaccurate at best all week. 

Every time I look at it it says that it'll rain tomorrow. Its been saying that since Sunday so today of all days I didn't bring my umbrella and its pouring outside. It started pouring after I came out the store.So then I get lost, on the bright side I found a candy shop(think of the 1970's Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory type candy shopp) that sells the American candy you grew up with...I walked by it(the store I mean) and I glanced it, before I doubled back. Because I figured i'll probably never find it again unless I'm lost. The candy I got well, I had to of course limit myself and I treated my lost self out,

I'm just ready to be indoors. So after my trek from being lost I was constantly telling myself that j wasn't lost as a couple things I remember seeing before but even I had to admit it when I ended up on a street I had no idea where the hell I was. And then the crowded streets went absent as it poured so I was on my own. I cant read a map on a good day and today it was pouring rain and cold, 31 degrees it says. . As I was saying I have a cool map that my host mom got it for me.

But I didn't want kg to get wet. The phone is what saved me GPS and Navigation at its finest. I turned out to be about 20 minutes away from where I was supposes to be and I took a couple of wrong turns even with the GPS as all signs are in Dutch.. Eventually I found my way and was taking no more chances.

I almost got hit by 3 bicyclists today. The buses stop for you and the bikes don't. I'm not a jerk when I'm on a bike but a lot of people here forget what its like to be a pedestrian. I'm nearly home now and its getting dark, the rain making it seemed even more so. I'm so ready for my cup of tea. My stop is coming up, so I'm gonna put this away for now.

At the moment, I'm sitting on my bed pondering about my day ou.t. It had been very frightening to me, as everywhere I turned no one spoke english at a glance. It's very hard getting used to that your language you've always known, isnt as common here as it would be at home. I think that's what I'm going to have the most trouble with. I can understand just a bit, enough for to look like I know what I'm doing but not enough for me to prevent myself from getting lost. Sad part I'm going to do this again on Saturday. Only difference there, is that I will be biking my way there. I don’t know how this part will go and thats what's a bit daunting at the moment. Hopefully though come Saturday I can take pictures of the Netherlands...and...myself unfortunately


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